Irish Blogs

Monday, April 28, 2008

UNIX Basics

I use UNIX (solaris) quite a lot at work. I thought I would post a few simple commands that novice users can pick up and use.

ls -l:
Will list all of the items in a directory.

mk dir:
Will create a directory

grep whatyouarelookingfor * :
Will search all of the files in the directory you are in for the string "whatyouarelookingfor".

cd home:
Will bring you back to your home directory.

man cd: The man command will return a description of the function you specify i.e. cd

touch newfilename.txt: Will create a new file called newfilename.txt

chmod: Can be used to assign permissions to a file e.g chmod 666 myfile will allow read/write for everyone on myfile. Useful if you have just created a new file.

cp /to/alpha.txt /from/beta.txt: Used to copy information from one file to another.

rm file.txt: Will delete file.txt

ps: Will list the number of processes running on your box.

Hope this helps..

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